Monday, March 23, 2009


I don't feel well today and I blame the weather. It can really wreak havoc on an MS patient. I try and keep an eye on the temperature as well as things like barometric pressure and how much humidity is in the air. It helps me explain away my symptoms and rationalize why I'm feeling a certain way.

So due to the unbelievable pressure in my head and angry MS from the fierce winds blowing, I had a lame-o workout day... but I still made it to the gym for my Monday Core class! Wait, I skipped ahead too far. I realize I haven't even finished explaining my morning routines, I got stuck on my love for the Gazelle, allow me to go back.

The purpose of my morning workout is to warm up my muscles so I can stretch them more easily but I also use this time to develop some muscle tone in my legs so they can keep getting stronger. After 10-15 minutes on my much loved Gazelle, I usually hop on my elliptical trainer for 15 minutes. I stick with a preset program that brings my heart rate up and burns calories. Here is where I break a sweat but my tower fan keeps me from overheating. In the basement, where my gym is located, it is nice and cool....ok, incredibly cool, ok many people say it's freezing down there but heat makes me wilt. When my body temperature is elevated for a long period of time my legs begin to ache more, my vision becomes blurry and I become even weaker than normal so when I workout a fan and water nearby are a must.

Next, it's time to stretch. I can only workout for 1/2 hour or so before I need to stretch on the floor or go to my ballet bar for some side stretches and leg lifts. My "ballet bar" is nothing more than a $10 railing that my husband bought at Lowe's along with some brackets to screw into the wall. My bar is simply a nice addition to my small gym area. A couch, chair or table is usually good enough for me to stretch with. Anything will do as long as I can fully extend my leg muscles. I am often found throughout the day propping my leg up on anything that allows for a deep stretch in my hamstring when I lean forward. Here, balance is an issue for me so I keep one hand on the piece I'm leaning on.

After the bar I continue my stretches on the floor...but I'll describe those at next time..

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